Bills Upload
Uploading Bills to Tipalti via CSV or API involves the following checks and steps:
- Check if Payee exists and Payee status (mandatory for ERO integration)
- Recommended - check before uploading bills to avoid creating an empty payee profile under Not Payable Status
- Mandatory - If ERP integration is in place, check the status to avoid payee/bill sync errors between Tipalti and ERP
- IPN - payee_details_changed
This IPN notifies of details changed for a payee and is triggered on every iFrame step where the payee details are updated.
- Look for the variable "is_payable" TRUE
- API - GetExtendedPayeeDetailList
- Look for the variable "Payable" TRUE
- IPN - payee_details_changed
- Bill Uploads to Tipalti (via CSV or API)
- Self Billing (No Approval) - Pending Payment
- Self Billing (Payer Approval) - Include the approver details in the CSV or API call
- Self Billing (Payee Approval) - "Release" the bill post upload so that the payee can approve via the Supplier portal or iFrame
- Supplier Invoices (Payer Approval) - Payee can upload the bill via the Supplier portal or iFrame, OR, email the bill for scanning
- *GL Account selection possible if integrated with ERP
- *You can also pass the "approver" value via the API call or CSV
- All the workflows can be tested in Sandbox, except for the Scanning feature under Supplier Invoices
- API Call CreateOrUpdateInvoices
- Edit Bills
- A Bill can be edited pre & post-approval via AP Hub manually, or via an API call, or via CSV upload "Action" column
- Approvals can be retracted - sends it back to Pending AP Action (that is the only allowed bill status).
- For the Approval workflow, you cannot bypass the approval step via API call (Pending AP Action to Pending Payment is not possible). It can be set to "Pending Approval" by passing Approver values in the API call
- We can have a default setting to release the bill to an approver as long as the approver is specified
- If using Approval workflow, you need to pass the values for approver in the API or CSV upload (mandatory)
- API Call CreateOrUpdateInvoices
- Retrieve Bill Status
- Bill statuses:
- PendingAPReview (default)
- PendingApproval
- PendingApAction
- PendingPayment
- SubmittedForPayment
- Disputed
- Deleted
- IPN - bill_updated
This IPN will not notify you about the status "Paid".
Deferred or Rejected Payments should trigger the "bill_updated" IPN as the bill is sent back to the "Pending Payment" status -
IPN - completed This IPN will notify you of the "Paid" status. It will also notify you about the Payment Ref Code and its related Bill Ref Code
- API - GetExtendedPayeeDetailList
- Returns a list of bills for a specific payee with their respective bill status
- IPN - bill_updated
- Bill statuses: