When a payee enters their password incorrectly too many times within a few minutes, they will receive the following error message and be locked out of the Supplier Portal.
Your account is locked.
The account will automatically unlock within a few hours. If you need to access the account sooner, please contact your Payer and provide this resource. Payers can immediately unlock payee accounts by following the steps below.
Password Resets
Resetting a payee's password will not unlock their account. Use the steps provided below to unlock the account.
Is the account locked or blocked?
When a payee is locked due to too many incorrect login attempts, you can unlock the payee by following the steps below.
If the payee is blocked, it means your team or Tipalti Compliance team blocked the payee for various reasons. Learn more about blocked payees in our Manage Payee status and Settings article.
How to Unlock a Payee
Search for the payee.
Use the search function to locate the payee in the Tipalti Hub. - Above the payee's information, click Actions.
- Hover over Payee status.
- Select Unlock payee account.
If this option is not available, the account may have been unlocked automatically, and no further action is needed. - Click Confirm to unlock the payee account.
An email notification will be sent to the payee informing them that their account has been unlocked. Additionally, the "Unlock payee account" option will no longer be available in the payee status menu.