Tipalti assigns tax form and document statuses in the Tipalti Hub so that you can track progression. These statuses display on the TAX INFO row on the "Payees" tab.
Find payee tax information
The following information is only relevant if you are using the Taxation module.
Required user role View Payees
On the payee record, you can view payee tax information, such as tax form status, tax form type, tax ID and date submitted.
- Search for the payee.
- Refer to the TAX INFO row for tax information (you may need to click Drop-down arrow at the end of the row to reveal further tax information).
- A "+More" button in the TAX INFO row indicates there is more information that can be viewed. Click +More. A "Tax form details" dialog displays the information. Depending on the type of tax form submitted by the payee, you can download the form from the dialog.
Different tax details display based on the payer configuration and the payee details.
US: Details of W-8/ W-9, Non-US Declaration and other forms (e.g., 8233) display
Non-US: VAT and tax numbers display (when applicable)
Click here for descriptions of tax form and document statuses.