AnswerBot Pilot
Taxation FAQs
This shows
- How are payee tax forms collected?
- How can we ensure that payees have access to the relevant tax forms for our operating units?
- What if a payee does not know which tax form to complete?
- Do dates of birth need to be collected on tax forms?
- How do I know if a payee has completed the required tax form?
Payee FAQs
This shows
Payments FAQs
This shows
- Where do I find the date a payee received payment (value date)?
- Is there a faster way to pay deferred payments?
- Where can I find the total balance required for the payment file?
- Which countries support SEPA payments?
- How long does it take for payees to get paid?
Written by Education&Enablement
This shows
- Why was my payee's w9 tax form invalidated?
- Can I edit the expense accounts on paid bills?
- How do FX Fees work?
- Can I disable 2FA for my payees?
- How to Update Payee Phone Numbers and Reset 2FA